[External] Hosting Degradation
Oct 21 a las 05:24pm CEST
Hosting provider claims to have implemented a fix for the network perturbations, and claimed that since 14:24 UTC no more network perturbations were detected.
We are going to mark this as solved for now and we will continue monitoring the connectivity to our services.
Servicios afectados
Landing Page
Discord Bot
Checkpoint API
Vanity Pages
Cloud Backend
Oct 21 a las 04:15pm CEST
Hosting provider is still working on a fix for this issue.
Servicios afectados
Landing Page
Discord Bot
Checkpoint API
Vanity Pages
Cloud Backend
Oct 21 a las 12:47pm CEST
We're informed regarding a network perturbation incident affecting our hosting provider, resulting in response times higher than the usual by approximately
While this situation does not constitute a complete downtime, it has led to an overall degraded performance and intermittent downtimes on our Sensor network and Dashboard connectivity.
Servicios afectados
Landing Page
Discord Bot
Checkpoint API
Vanity Pages
Cloud Backend